
Friday, August 13, 2010

This is a great day for some of you

Dunkin Donuts effed up my coffee order (how difficult is a large, hazelnut, black - seriously assholes? I was DD employee of the month for four years that is like the first thing you learn, aside from the 5-second rule).

I'm hard pressed to call this 'unlucky' because it's Friday the 13th. It's just sheer stupidity. On the other hand, I'm excited to announce that local college students are gearing up for fall semester, lucky bastards, and their universities are all but rolling joints for them.

Headline: Local colleges increase buying from area growers. Blahblahblah organic this and health food initiatives that...we all know what "communal" and "grass-roots" means.

Not gonna lie, my old rookie teammate Spader is probably tickled with delight.

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