
Monday, August 16, 2010

Eatocractic Dictator

Two things prompted this:

Seeing "Eat, Love, Pray" this weekend with HookerJones and BuckWild. We graced the theater with our health and beauty. Nothing makes me want to dial on a Monday quite like watching a 2-hr movie about passion for traveling, passion for life, and having been sedentary with mononucleosis. This is why they won't put me next to a window.

(so why in Monday Morning Meeting does Boss Man declare that most have their lives figured out by 35...wasn't it supposed to be "great by twenty-eight"? how long is this quarter life crisis going to take fo' reallll??)

And America - because no other country would be okay with its CNN having a segment called Eatocracy. As it happens, today was all about the life of a cereal addict. God bless America. p.s. i could totally be the authoritarian ruler of this 'ocracy'...because i. love. cereal. and food in general. Stocking my leadership cabinet with the best...General Mills as secretary of state (see what I did there?) Next stop: world tour *coughDOMINATIONcough*

Oh yeah. And Crook has rabies.

[thanks to BAMF Marianne for the vid]

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