
Friday, April 30, 2010


There was a voicemail waiting for me when I got to my cube. So delighted, thinking it was a client, I played the message. Nope. It was my drunk ass college roommate. She just finished her first year of med school, living comfortably in that bubble of exams, alcohol, and debauchery. Bitch used to lay out the trash cans for my Wednesday waste cases. My how the tables have turned. Of course I played it on speakerphone. And cursed life as I settled in my sequined shirt for a fabulous Friday making small talk with uninteresting bean counters and automated machines.

Sometimes I wonder...

Last night I was talking to a non-cubicle friend, Andrew, who is building spy planes for the US Department of Defense/Homeland Security. He's 20.
His words, "yeah, not a lot of people can do what I do..."

My response..."Oh. Well I blog."

(Ha. What have YOU accomplished today?)

Rest assured that while most of us drank away our higher education and sit safely behind a computer screen, Andrew is saving America.

Life can't be all about contacts and contracts. There is so much more out there. A world beyond Cubicle Land - untapped, untamed. There are consumers who have money to spend! Why can't I just sell coffee?? Moon Shoes??? People would actually be coming TO me for my wonderful product line! Throwing their monies in the register! How about bringing some joy into a child's life?

It feels like this so-called 'world' is really the 90s. And we missed it. We twenty-somethings are fighting our way into the...Google dominated, Puerto Rican statehood seeking, Moon

Time for a teenie bopper throwback. And because it is cruise season, summer time girls got it goin' on. Shake and boogie to a beep-bop song...

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