
Monday, December 20, 2010

Corporate America, Surrender the Booty.


haha, that bitch gets me every time.

It's totally awkward blogging from home. Like an out-of-cubicle, supernatural experience sort of thing. UGH and that's a piss poor excuse for an analogy. And not even really an analogy!! SEE?? Your morale is already at a seasonal-depression-type low. Mother effer.

Oh here's one for ya. The New South Beach Diet is all to do I'm not even getting into how much this shouldn't impress anyone within a 5 mile radius of my person.

Thing is. This is the lens in which I view my world, how it makes sense. WTF! Seriously my mom's already decided I'll be nixed from next year's family Christmas card. Where do I belong????? Getting stuck between being prepared for the future and living one day at a time...And in my efforts to maintain a certain sense of pride and dignity without allowing the monotony of daily cube life crushing down on my soul, to reach out by establishing a sense of community and solid footing during a tumultuous time in a twenty-something's timeline (hey, what can I say, I'm a born leader.)'s good to get kicked in the ace. And in my efforts to sustain Cubicle Land, to become a permanent fixture in it is NOT the poetic justice I'm searching for. What a miserable paradox. And we aren't going down without a fight, kiddos!


What you really need to know: listen to what the world is telling you, and take the leap. (or was it: bend over and take it deep?)

...when in doubt...TANTA.

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