
Monday, September 13, 2010

stop beating the dead horse.

A large part of succeeding in sales is having the ability to put yourself in the other person's shoes...finding what they really need and/or want. It's called empathy (the other part is having the ability to put yourself in your competitor's shoes and running way ahead of them).

A large part of succeeding in cubicle land is knowing that your boss does not empathize. Ever. Mad cow disease got the farm in a frenzy? Sorry to hear that Jameison...go dial now. Dunkin ran out of pumpkin coffee??? - oh...nope that's a completely unrealistic scenario. But still...go dial.

I digress.

In the spirit of forgiveness and getting over drama, TayTay Swift and her boiiii Kanye both were harping on last year's debacle at the VMA's (if you could even call it that. it's not really a debacle unless there's sexting involved). So they separately had some underlying verbage on the incident: "Thirty-two and still growing up now; who you are is not what you did," she sang softly, adding: "You're still an innocent." TayTay, such an eloquent twenty-something.

Ahhh fresh start.

Pretty sure nobody cares. Pretty sure we are all over it. What does innocent mean here because...pretty sure he shit on your parade in front of MILLIONS OF VIEWERS. Can we move on? Nobody is paying attention anymore. Nobody even knows what Sandra Bullock's doing these days. Hanks only has her mind on picking up Colby for an apple picking date. True love.

Speaking of dead horses. Lady Gaga getting in PETA's face with the sweet outfit she sported for one of her awards that was a dress and chapeau made of what seemed to be cuts of raw beef, including a meat purse. NOM!

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