
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This week's a little bit of a flop

autographed Favre jersey
Remember how the VP has an autographed Favre jersey framed in his office? Pretty well hung I'd say. Does this mean we can expect big things to come? More like a little flop. j-fizz fist pump.

HookerJones said to me: "Yeah, one thing I don't miss is you slamming your phone at 8:30 in the morning."

First of all. Eff you Hooker. You miss my musk. And coffee tantrums. Secondly:'s 10:21am and I'm pretty certain that I rocked the receiver all the way up to the 9th. Ya feel me? (no, really. i threw it down real hard.)

Since most of us have been cubed up for a while, we don't have any political efficacy to be voting. Thank Mr. Paul Gabbey for that SAT word. Haven't updated my Twitter *tweet*tweet*, and the only reason I know it's Tuesday is because my horoscope is different.

oh. and i guess the World Series is over? huh. strange how when the Yankees don't play that NOBODY CARES.

these are my friends, fkn out of their!


  1. How in Gabbey's name does that picture of those clowns have ANYTHING to do with our level of efficacy?? oh wait, the amount of booze consumed on Friday night alone is probably why we have none right now.
