
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cube Chronicles Celebratory Countdown: Day 1

Calling all cubies! ...and non-cubies, and former cubies, and someday commences the CUBE CHRONICLES CELEBRATORY COUNTDOWN! It was either start the countdown now, or start the holiday shopping.

The official blog birthday is on Saturday, November 6th. I'm all excited about the things I want to gift to myself for this profound milestone. [view my registry at Staples]

Also, (in the words of Hankin), CNN just sucks today because of all the election crap. The only juice I heard was on 106.7 FM during the morning drive about a lady calling in some franchise because the sub shop worker burnt her meatballs and wouldn't make her a new sandwich. Like she'd even know which 'wich is which.

Let's all welcome the new guy, Rob --> hereforth shall be dubbed "Berto". He hasn't done anything to merit this nickname. But I have been dyinnnnng to call some one Berto. Tall glass of water. All about delivery...I know he won't disappoint.

So from now until then we are all about business and all about cubes.

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