
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Neurological Stimulation

Question: What weighs more - a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?

Answer: trick question! a ton is a ton (equal to 2,000lbs), a measurement of weight. Ergo it may take fewer bricks to measure up to a ton as opposed to the shitload of feathers you'd need to accumulate for a ton.

Now consider that 2 cups, or 16oz, of a substance may not equal 1 lb, also 16oz. This just freaks me out.

My college roommate, Mimi, is dissecting a brain today. It's part of her doctorate. Glad to know that I've really pushed myself to the limit by pondering measurement conundrums in the confines of my padded cubicle walls. And even that much more glad to be blogging about it.

It's probably better this way.

With all the time that I now dedicate to clothes shopping (watch out, I've made it to the mall twice in the past week) - how could I possibly give the central nervous system its due attention?

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