
Friday, December 4, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Life is full of decisions.

Man up, twenty-somethings, this is no time to sit back! Sometimes it's tough to keep going. So I tend to follow the Rule of Ss (Sleep, Success, Social Life).

(GRAMMAR 101: Yes, I did put "Ss". There is no apostrophe. If I see one more person write something like "S's" or "during the 1920's"...I'm going to smack a bitch. WRITE IT RIGHT! You'll want to say "during the 1920s" because it's equivalent to "during the years 1920, 1921, etc". Therefore if you write out "during the 1920's" you really are saying "during the of the 1920". Kinda like how "The Butler's mother" = "the mother of The Butler". Thoroughly confused? Great!)

So back to the Rule. The Rule of Ss. Life is a balance of sleep, success, and social life. So to have success and a social life, you better learn to love caffeine. Makes sense right? A trifecta. Hence, sleepers either have to forgo the success or the social life. Again it's all about balance.

<--When in doubt I grab the Cube of Choice. It's the caveman version of the Magic 8 Ball (refrain from the awful cube-and-cubicle puns).

Last night I was in the middle of my Thursday meltdown - I couldn't decide if I should pull it together and drag myself out to the Art Show or lay low and veg. Hmm. After a roll (or 4) of the six-sided soothsayer, I decided to do as it said and "TV" the night away. Actually I didn't quite make it past 8:45pm.

The Cube of Choice includes choices like "Wash hair" and "Pub" and "Sex" and I think I covered the most important ones (aka can't remember the rest). There's always the option to help the Cube along to a favored side...perhaps why I'm only familiar with 4 of them?

BKWasp's momma is visiting NYC for the holiday experience, so while their apartment does not have a husband, it does have it's mother.

The fourth chocolate in my Advent Calendar was a star. Lovely. And delicious. I also took the liberty of "adventing" weekend days (since obviously we won't be in The Office). Hello day 5 and 6!

Today has been an interesting day at The Office to say the least. The extra chocolates and good night's sleep came in handy. Louis and I have broken up...The Butler and HookerJones and BuckWild are still going strong with their executives. It wasn't a messy break up, but neither one of us were ready to move on. This was NOT my decision - oh decisions decisions... The Management is switching things up. My new exec's last name is ...are you ready? you sure? okay, his last name is...


That is all :)

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