
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 & Black Noise.

Scream doesn't scare me.  Mostly because the scream mask looks like the creeper is about to take it...deep.

Paranormal Activity?  Yeah, didn't sleep for days.  And same thing for Paranormal Activity 2.  So on the opening night of PA-3 last Friday, BuckWild and I were readying ourselves for a shitty 76-hr bender.  Except for one thing: the Black Noise coming from the black biddies who were screaming all around us.

Haha!  For real, real!!  At one point - the wave of "OH NO SHE DI'NT!" was more overwhelming than the demon-possessed 8-yr-old girl.  Hey.  I was laughing myself to tears and afterwards, slept like a baby.  Haunted House or Madea's House.  You tell me.


  1. I love the use of 'BuckWild'.

    Also, I hate when people talk during movies.

  2. but this was really, really funny!!!
