
Sunday, May 15, 2011

"So have you heard what's going on in Labia?"


I have this friend. This friend is immune to worldly news. Not even talking about mistaking Obama for Osama, because Fox News does that regularly. I'm talking like, we're not quite ready to break it to her that we have a black president for fear she'll think it's MLK Jr.

Okay okayyyy maybe that's a bit extreme! But I have to admire her for accepting this shortcoming and vowing to fix it. Alas! This friend started to follow CNN on Twitter. Bravo, right?

But when she asks, "So have you heard what's going on in Labia??"

Alls I'm thinking is, "Honey, if it itches. Go see a doctor..."

Then again.  Maybe that guy running the International Monetary Fund knows?

AHAHAHAHA, God bless.

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