
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rhonda's coming to the office to sell popcorn for the fundraiser

Get ready for this one:

Sitting, freezing in my poled cubicle, I overheard some of the Executive Assistants (EAs) chit-chatting.

My attention was had at "Rhonda's coming to the office to sell popcorn for the fundraiser tomorrow."

I. Must. Meet. Rhonda.

To make Jwoww jealous, I hit her with that text.
Jill: Of course she is.  Her son's a boyscout.  Did her husband with nerdy glasses want to help be the troop leader to?

Me: Visual - their family photo for the holidays...or wait. Do you think they do one of those long letters where it's like 'Johnny grew 4 inches and now plays the french horn! He is growing up so fast'

Jill: If she's fat then no letter just a 'kids only' shot hahaha she'd be too lazy for a letter but if she's medium sized ya never know cuz little Ashley almost making the cheerleading team but cut at the last minute would be important for Aunt Louise in Memphis to know.
Damn it. Love this game. So hard.

Play more of people's lives with me next week with: Dan Dan the Maintenance Man.

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