
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Having that kind of day?

That day when it takes everything you have to drag yourself out of bed, polish up, and fight through traffic to get to the office.  Blood pressure is elevated. Teeth clenched and white knuckled and road raged.  You've had that day.  And today, that's my day.

A rep just came to 'check in' on the submission he put in.  'Just wanted to see.....' - sorry, see what?  Oh that's right.  Because I clown around, anxiously awaiting your next request.  Nothing else going on, nope!  Just sitting on my thumbs.

The neon sign on my forehead (the one that says: F*ck Off) must have supernova'd.  Because the rep left.  Immediately.

Any techies know how to bust Websense?  It's blocking the best sites and really testing my patience.

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