
Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Hanging photos is one step closer to permanance"

I remember the thrill of cubicle land.  The newness, the excitement, the feeling of having purpose, and thinking that people depend on you.  That's right!  My internship gave me the pomp and circumstance that no A+, no Girl Scout award had EVER given me.  In my little 4x4 world, the very success of The Office was dependent upon my color-coded spreadsheets (and I even encoded the pages with passwords.  suckas.) - I knew that place like the inside of my refrigerator!  That's called 'Office Think'.  And it's like team spirit for Staples.  Offices count on it, because it makes you feel like you should work 12 hr days and give up your weekends.  Newsflash: you're replaceable.

So I was hard-pressed to rain on my friend's parade.  She forwarded everyone her new cube set up. And here was the thread to follow:
Scooter: Hanging pictures and other decorations is one step closer to permanence....

Me:  You just had to say it, Scooter...
It's true though.
Rule of thumb - only bring personal items that, in total, will fit securely into a ziploc baggie in case of emergency and/or great escape. As if to say 'i don't plan on sticking around'
Or don't. And then people feel more welcome in your cube and socialize more often.
We know how I feel about that.
Scooter: Someone had to.  Great points though Shadds!
E: Oh. My god. You kids.

Furthermore, I actually like my job and Most of the people I work with. Plus I have to nest. Otherwise, I'm miserable.
Me:  Why thank you, Scooter!

And did I say I didn't like my job? I mean, really I just accept it as a necessary allows me to do what I love (wtf) - which oftentimes requires sacrifice (sleep, sanity, social life)...and it supports my dreams of, well, everything (marriage, family, paid loans, happy hour, and plastic surgery).

Ultimately it bides time & boosts monies while I do what I love and as my dreams (nightmares) come to fruition.

...And In RealTime: it's 4:00pm on a Friday, eyesight is compromised & carpal tunnel is setting in.  Solution? A stiff drink and a good bend.  But in all honesty we know I'll either go play Bingo or fall asleep on the couch by 6:03pm with a Vitamin Water in hand.

Yes. That's it.  Make mine a double!

Haha!  At this point, I don't know whether I'm laughing or crying. Don't look at me...and definitely don't look in my cube.  My intern-self wouldn't even know the cubie I've become.

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